September 10th 2024
In 18½ years more than 6525 daycare providers have successfully advertised their services on Daycare Bear. If you're a childcare provider, register for free to fill all your current openings!
Daycare Bear is quickly becoming the main meeting place between parents and childcare providers (daycare centers, pre-schools, home and family daycares, babysitters...). We provide detailed and current information about the available openings across the nation and help parents quickly find the daycare provider they are looking for.
"I find your idea simply brilliant! I registered as a home daycare provider and I talk about Daycare Bear to all the other providers I know and also to parents."
Isabelle B.
A few tips...
If you visited or if you're using a childcare provider found on DaycareBear, do not hesitate to leave a review. This will most certainly help other parents!
We rely on providers to keep their listing and current openings up-to-date. To prevent any omission, openings expire after 45 days.