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About Daycare Bear

Launched December 5th 2005, helps US parents, daycares and childcare providers connect quickly.

DaycareBear offers advertisers a truly unique setting that can be used to showcase and promote a vast array of products and services related to children, parenting and family: baby products, toys, music, books, personal care products, children's clothing and accessories, etc.

Advertise with us !

Target audience delivers to human visitors:

  • around 62 000 pages per month (source: Google Analytics);
  • that's more than 0.7 millions pageviews per year !
Our users are almost excluvisely:
  • US parents;
  • future parents;
  • individuals working in the childcare industry (daycare managers, childcare providers, babysitters, nannies, etc.).

Ad formats & prices

(CPM = Cost per thousand page impressions)

728x90 pixels
Description: Super banner.
Location: At the top of every page.
Type: Static (Gif/Jpeg) or Flash,
with link.
Specifications: See IAB standards.
Raw CPM: Contact us.

300x250 pixels
Description: Big box.
Location: Bottom left of every page.
Type: Static (Gif/Jpeg) or Flash,
with link.
Specifications: See IAB standards.
Raw CPM: Contact us.

Other ad formats

Other rates (CPC), ad formats (buttons, text links, sponsored articles, contests, etc.) and/or locations could be available according to your needs. Contact us to see how we could accomodate you.

Stand out of the pack !

Unlike other websites, we only take into account human visits (and not robots/"spiders" visits which can sometimes inflate the number of page views by as much as 50%, and end up hurting advertisers). Moreover, we offer a very competitive CPM (you can compare for example with other US portals) to reach a very targeted audience! We strongly believe that it will always be the key to a successful advertising campaign!

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need any additional information!

Business Development -
business [-at-]

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
Did you know?
DaycareBear is also available in Canada in English and French!
Simply click on the corresponding flag in the upper-left corner.
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