The results you obtain are the closest childcare providers with available openings that we currently know of. We only show providers with current or future available spaces. New openings and providers are added in real-time so come back often to check the latest openings in your vicinity!
How do I choose a daycare provider ? What questions do I ask ?
No. Any childcare provider can create a listing on Daycare Bear. We thus strongly encourage parents to screen their prospective childcare providers. Parents should always ask for references from their prospective providers, do a background check, and ensure that the services that are advertised are the services their child will get. Short descriptions and/or numerous spelling mistakes in a listing are usually not a sign of an attentive and conscientious provider.
Is it free to search for daycare providers or childcare services ?
Yes ! Our goal is to provide a free and useful service to parents in order to help them find a daycare/childcare service matching their needs and the needs of their child. If you like the service we provide, mention it to your friends and colleagues !
How do I find a daycare provider or a childcare service ?
You can look for a daycare provider or a childcare service using the Search box at the bottom of the Home page. You can specify the type of service you're looking for (preschool, daycare center, family / home daycare, nanny, babysitter, etc.), your child's age, the date at which you will need the service, and a zipcode to find services in its vicinity. You can choose to display your search results as a list or on a map to help you locate them easily. All fields are optional and it is possible to omit them (leave them blank or to "Doesn't matter"). Once all information is provided, simply launch your search by clicking on the Search button below the search box.
Why am I asked for my zipcode ?
When you enter a zipcode during a search, we'll be able to provide you with childcare services in its vicinity. When entering a complete zipcode (all 5 digits), your search results will be ordered by increasing distance to this zipcode. If you enter a partial zipcode (1 to 4 digits), your search results will be limited to childcare services with a zipcode starting with the provided digits.
Is it possible to perform a more advanced search ?
Yes. First, start by launching a basic search using the usual Search box at the bottom of the Home page. After getting the results matching your basic search, you can refine your search by applying various Filters (maximum daily rate or desired features) in the left column and then clicking on the Apply button. You can also change the way results are displayed (as a list or on a map) in the same way.
How can I find other information on the site ?
Simply use the Google search box at the top of each page. You can use it to look for specific keywords or phrases on the website (including all the daycare listings) or on the web. This is not however the best way to find daycare providers or childcare services. For this purpose, please use the Search box located at the bottom of the site's Home page.
I found an interesting listing. How can I contact its owner ?
Childcare providers usually leave their phone number and/or their email address at the top of their listing. To write them an email, simply click on the link located next to the word email on their listing; this will reveal their email address.
If no contact info is available, it is possible that this childcare provider doesn't have any openings left (cf. the listing's Current openings section). If this is the case, we will hide this provider's contact info to respect his/her right to privacy.
What does the "Distance" column stand for in search results ?
The Distance column indicates the distance between a specific daycare center or childcare service and the complete zipcode you provided for your search. This distance is a straight line distance and the actual road travel distance is assuredly greater.
Some parts of the site do not seem to work !
Some parts of the site rely on javascript technology. Please, make sure that javascript is enabled in your web browser.
A few tips...
If you encounter a daycare provider with out-of-date openings / spaces, click on the button right above the currently listed openings to report it!
Did you know?
On average, a listing is viewed each month by more than 3300 parents looking for an available opening for their child!