Is it free to create a listing / place an ad ? What is the catch ?
Creating a listing is indeed completely free. There is no catch, no fees, no payment, no contract... Our goal is to provide a useful service to all U.S. parents looking for daycare or childcare providers.
I can't get in the Members' area !
First, make sure you're using the righ email address and password (the password is case sensitive). If you forgot your password, please use the Password reminder link on the Members' login page to retrieve your password. Our site also uses cookies to give you access to the Members' area. Please make sure that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Finally, some firewalls can sometimes prevent you from logging in.
Why do available openings expire ?
In order to provide a useful service with up-to-date information to parents looking for a daycare or childcare provider, all openings are automatically removed after a while. If some of your openings have not been filled feel free to add them back and take the time to update your listing.
Can I modify my listing after creating it ?
Of course ! You can instantly modify your listing (description, contact information, openings, schedule, images, etc.) at any time and as many times as you need. You can for example create a basic listing and come back later to add various information and precisions or to update your current or future openings. In parents' eyes, your listing is your identity on DaycareBear. No need to recreate a new listing each time your have an available space, simply update your listing's available openings.
How do I modify a listing ?
After logging in the Member's area, click on the Manage listing link. Then, select the link corresponding to the modifications you'd like to make (ex. click on the Available openings link to manage your openings, or click on the Daycare schedule link to modify your opening hours). Do not forget to click on the Save button at the bottom of each page to save all your changes.
How can I delete openings or images ?
Simply click on the button next to the opening(s) or below the image you wish to delete.
How can I change the order in which my images appear ?
On the Images management page, the top leftmost image will always be your main image. When viewing your listing, all additional images will appear after the main image. You can use the move left/move right buttons ( / ) located below each image you uploaded to reorder them as you see fit.
How come the changes I made are not taken into account ?
Make sure you click on the Save button at the bottom of each page to save any changes in this page. Make also sure that there are no error warnings (red fields and/or error messages). If errors are detected, you must correct them before clicking on the Save button again.
How do I change my password or the information stored in my profile/account ?
After logging into the Members' area, click on the Manage account link on the management console to your left.
What should I do if I forget my password ?
As long as you still remember the email address you used to register with us, we can send you your password at this address. Simply click on the Password reminder link in the Members' login page and follow the instructions.