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Frequently asked questions
Outdoor activites at a childcare center

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Registering with Daycare Bear
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Registering with Daycare Bear

Why register ? Do I have to register ?

- If you're simply looking for daycare or childcare services for your child then, there is no need to register. You can find a daycare provider or a childcare service using the Search box (at the bottom of our Home page) without registering as a member.
- If you provide daycare or childcare services (daycare center, family / home daycare, preschool, babysitter, etc.) registering gives you access to the Members' area in which you can create your listing to advertise and promote your services. Registration is required as it will let you come back later to modify your newly created listing.

Is registration free ?

Yes ! Registration is quick, simple and free, and will give you access to the Members' area.

How do I register ?

Simply click on the Register link in the main menu and provide the requested information.

How do I create a listing / place an ad ?

If you haven't already done so, Register first! Then, enter in the Members' area using your email and password. Finally, click on the Add a new listing button to your right.

I just created a listing but it does not appear in the search results. What do I need to do ?

A listing will only appear in search results when you need to fill out some openings. You can add openings to your listing using the openings management page. If you do not provide any current or future openings, your listing will not appear in parents' search results. Finally, make sure that your search parameters adequately match your listing, otherwise it won't appear in the search results.

A few tips...

If you encounter a daycare provider with out-of-date openings / spaces, click on the button right above the currently listed openings to report it!
Did you know?
On average, a listing is viewed each month by more than 1850 parents looking for an available opening for their child!
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