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Children playing in a daycare

For parents
For daycare & childcare providers

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Resources for parents


Choosing the right daycare provider: Questions and things to ask
Manners matter! - Teaching children how to behave
Numerous articles about pregnancy, children and parenting


Choice Moms Resources, guidance and support for single moms and non-traditional families.

Community services Washington State Department of Social and Health Services helps working parents pay for childcare, provides food assistance for low income families, etc. New York State Office of Children and Family Services provides resources to help parents with their child care needs, people who want to start or are running child care programs, and anyone with a concern about the safety of a child in a daycare.


Pixel Escape Bring color back to the world with Super Splash 3D,
a multimedia and interactive coloring book!

A few tips...

If you visited or if you're using a childcare provider found on DaycareBear, do not hesitate to leave a review. This will most certainly help other parents!
We rely on providers to keep their listing and current openings up-to-date. To prevent any omission, openings expire after 45 days.
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