The best school around offering your child a home away from home. Quality staff all background checked, CPR certified, and trained. Curriculum based education with plenty of time for fun. DES certified!
Raising Arizona Preschool is a specialized provider of daycare, early education and child development services.
Raising Arizona Preschool will fulfill its mission and goals by providing the exceptional level of care that we offered our own children, during the pre-kindergarten years. We will maintain an open line of communication with you, the parent and partner with you in your child’s growth and development.
We will utilize cutting edge developmental resources, that include physical touch stimulation for infants, visual stimulation such as Baby Einstein, and entry-level computer usage with toddler specific computer programs and games, such as the Reader Rabbit series.
We offer kid friendly karate training to our children. We found both schools very effective in teaching our children patience and focus and also provide them with an outlet for expression.
We work to be an innovative company with a sincere desire to advance the early education of children and aid in easing childcare concerns for working adults. Our model has been designed by working parents who have often wished that such services existed.