This is NOT a DAYCARE. This is a preschool.
This preschool is an educational organization devoted to preschool children and their families.
We believe that children learn best not only through play, but through being given opportunities to explore, experiment and expand their worlds. Our purpose is to provide a warm, inviting and well equipped environment for the children where they feel free and safe. Both the equipment and the program are selected and planned to stimulate social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth.
It is our hope that the children's experiences at the school will encourage them to feel good about themselves, promote satisfying friendships, and will help prepare them for their future experiences in school.
Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
Did you know?
Over 6525 providers have advertised their services since the launch in December 2005!