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Mon. 06:00am - 07:00pm
Tue. 06:00am - 07:00pm
Wed. 06:00am - 07:00pm
Thu. 06:00am - 07:00pm
Fri. 06:00am - 07:00pm

Sat. 09:00am - 05:00pm
Sun. Closed
Residential neighborhood
Central A/C
Full kitchen
Educational program
Experienced with children with special needs
Financial subsidies available
Government accreditation (license)
References available upon request
Services available at night
Services available in English
Services available in Spanish
Services available on weekends
Services available part-time
Temporary care available
Children cared for 10
Number of employees 2
(Approximate location)
Listing Reviews

The Tumbling Box Pre-School and Pre-K Academy

Daycare center / preschool

Not available,
Glendale, 85303
Arizona, USA
Email: not available
Tel.: not available
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Daycare in Glendale

Current openings,
available spaces

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Monday - Friday 6am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday closed

One of the only Home based pre-school & pre-ks that is owned and operated by a degreed ECE (Early Childhood Educator)
Based on Froebel's model and incorporating the Montesorri method of early childhood education.
The Tumbling Box Pre-school and Pre-K academy was founded by An early childhood education certified teacher and her husband to bring their personal views on early childhood education to fruition. Their belief that the early pre-kindergarten years are the most important for allowing a child to find their own ways of seeing the world is based on the work of such historic figures as Friedrich Froebel , Montessori and others.Our philosophy is based on the belief that Early Childhood Education should facilitate the child's own abilities to explore and discover how things work through free-form playtime, structured activities and exposure to other children as well as to the Art, Music, Mathematics, Science and Literature of the world.

Call us for Rates.

Affordable childcare that educates!

Listing's statistics

Last listing update: 2009-08-12 01:47:08
61% 40%
Daycare in Glendale

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
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