A Wonderful Home Child Care in Phoenix. (35th Ave and Dunlap.) Two fabulous moms, a full playroom, dining room, infant room, changing station, we also offer a computer with games and educational programs geared for children ages 2-7 years.
Provided: meals, snacks, toys, games, puzzles, arts and crafts, outings, and much much more
Infants -7 years old welcome M-F 5am-7pm. For our preschoolers we have a full preschool program M-W-F and for our School Age children we offer homework help! Night and Weekends available at an additional rate.
DISCOUNTS: Mall Employees get a 10% off Discount and for our larger families we charge full price for the first child and each additional child gets10% off per child.
Please e-mail us about scheduling a walkthrough. FT and PT openings left but going VERY fast!
Shelley and Stephanie
Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
We rely on providers to keep their listing and current openings up-to-date. To prevent any omission, openings expire after 45 days.