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Mon. 06:30am - 06:00pm
Tue. 06:30am - 06:00pm
Wed. 06:30am - 06:00pm
Thu. 06:30am - 06:00pm
Fri. 06:30am - 06:00pm

Sat. Closed
Sun. Closed
Residential neighborhood
Central A/C
Full kitchen
Educational program
Experienced with children with special needs
Financial subsidies available
Government accreditation (license)
References available upon request
Services available at night
Services available in English
Services available in Spanish
Services available on weekends
Services available part-time
Temporary care available
Children cared for 12
Number of employees 3
(Approximate location)
Listing 1 review

Diaz L. DayCare

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Oceanside, 92057
California, USA
Email: not available
Tel.: not available
not available

Craft time

Pazzle time


Play room set up

Babies room

Pretend play room

Writing and art room

Sink inside the playroom

Sensory area

Fun play outside

Outside area.

Fun play outside

Fine motor skills

Matching colors

Current openings,
available spaces

Nb. of openings Age group Starting Daily rate
No available spaces / openings at this time !


Best prices, from 125.00 per week. Certified teacher, I do not charge for teaching, I believed children should learn in any environment with the support of knowladgeble care givers. This is a Home DayCare, We provide free teaching, free materials, and free meals. STATE AND CITY LICENSEd. many years of experience. We have a large back yard, our inside playroom is 32x16, We open from 7:00am to 6:00pm.Furtheremore, we are first-aid and CPR cert. and finger printed. Additionally, we help you with potty training. I am 46 energetic mom of 4 good daughters, who are 30,28,26, and 6, I am from Central America, One of my full time helpers is 35 with 10 years experience working with me and my other assistent is 21 with 2 years experience. We also speak Spanish. We are followers of God,we love kids, we love our job.
Location: Off Douglas and North River Rd, by College and 76, by the back gate of camp.Pendleton. Near CVS farmacy.
call(760) 966-5013 .Your kids will be in good hands.

Listing's statistics

Last listing update: 2012-12-11 15:34:19
84% 40%
Daycare in Oceanside

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