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Mon. 06:00am - 06:00pm
Tue. 06:00am - 06:00pm
Wed. 06:00am - 06:00pm
Thu. 06:00am - 06:00pm
Fri. 06:00am - 06:00pm

Sat. Closed
Sun. Closed
Residential neighborhood
Central A/C
Full kitchen
Educational program
Experienced with children with special needs
Financial subsidies available
Government accreditation (license)
References available upon request
Services available at night
Services available in English
Services available in Spanish
Services available on weekends
Services available part-time
Temporary care available
Children cared for 1
Number of employees 0
(Approximate location)
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Danielles Daycare Southport and 37 Southern Dunes

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Indianapolis, 46217
Indiana, USA
Email: not available
Tel.: not available
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Hello my name is Danielle. Im 22 year old stay at home mom to a 4 year old girl and 4 month old son. We live in Southern Dunes right off of Southport. I took care of three children in the Indianapolis area but sadly had to stop because it was to far for the parents when we moved.We live in a clean and well kept up house.Many fun educational activities. Fenced in backyard thats completely safe. Hot Breakfast and lunch. I will watch children until 6 Mon-Fri. I also potty train children for no extra fee unlike other daycares. Daycare prices start at $100 a week or $20 a day. Prices include food, snacks, art supplies, etc. I will consider a discount for families with more than one child for all day childcare. Refrences are available upon request. You can reach me at 317-910-9111. Feel free to call whenevers convenient for you.

Thank You and hope to hear from you

Payment Procedure

You may pay by cash or check. If a check is returned I will notify you and will ask for payment in cash. After the second returned check, I will accept only cash. Fridays are paydays. If you get paid every other week and it is easier to pay every two weeks, talk to me and we will work it out.


I ask that you have a back-up (someone you can call if I am sick or if your child is sick). If I get sick I will let you know as quickly as possible so that you can make other arrangements for your child. I will not care for a child who is feverish. If he has thrown up or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours please keep him home. If your child throws up the night before and seems fine the next day, he is more than likely still contagious to the others.

Illnesses are defined as:
• fever
• conjunctivitis (pink eye) or "cold in the eye"
• flu
• unusual rash
• severe cough
• rapid breathing or labored breathing
• severe cold
• vomiting
• yellowish skin or eyes
• diarrhea
• head lice
• contagious illness of any sort which results in child being too ill to participate in daily activities
The child is welcome when he has only a mild cold (e.g. runny nose or mild cough), but is able to participate in the day's activities.


If your child is on medication and it needs to be administered while he is at day care, the medicine must be in the original container and labeled with the child's name, doctor's name, name of medication, dosage, and when to be taken. I will also have a form for you to sign giving me permission to give the medication to your child. Medication will be administered at the time or with the meal you specify and a written record kept.
Injuries and Other Emergencies

Minor cuts and abrasions suffered while at my house will receive proper care -- specifically, they will be washed with soap and warm water and properly bandaged. Treatment will be logged and I will tell you how and when the injury occurred.

If a medical emergency arises, I will try to contact a parent first, unless doing so endangers the child's life. In that case I will take necessary steps, putting the child first (calling hospital, doctor, poison control, etc.). If a parent is unable to be reached, I will keep trying until he or she is available.

In the event of a fire, we would evacuate the house immediately (3 exits are available from the first floor) and gather at the neighbor's tree. This will be practiced monthly so the children are familiar with what to do.

If severe weather arises and a tornado alert is issued, we will proceed to the center of the house, where the children will crouch and cover their heads.
Releasing your child

My normal procedure is to release the child only to his or her parents or someone else the parents designate. If someone other than the parent is to pick the child up, please notify me ahead of time.

One of the forms you are required to complete designates who may pick the child up if there is an emergency and you can not contact me. Please make sure those listed are persons with whom you would allow your child to leave if that person showed up at my door and said, "I need to take Johnny with me." Those on the list should also be people I could call in the event something happened and you did not show up to pick up your child.
Please inform your emergency contacts that if I do not know them and the child is too young to recognize them ("Hi, Grandma!"), that I will ask for identification. I do not mean to offend them. This is simply a measure taken for the child's protection.
Days Off

I do not watch children on the six major holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

I usually take off approximately two weeks during the summer (sometimes all at once, sometimes broken up). I will let you know these dates as far in advance as possible.

I incorporate preschool curriculum into our daily activities for fun and to prepare the older children for school. Each month we concentrate on a different theme. Many of our activities revolve around this theme (stories, crafts, music, games, puzzles, etc.).

Toilet Training

When you feel your child is ready for toilet teaching, I ask that you begin this teaching at home. I will follow through and encourage your child while in my care. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home.


Occasionally children do not behave in respectful ways. I first remind them of the proper behavior. If the behavior is repeated, a "time out" chair is used. The amount of time a child sits in "time out" varies according to his age. Most experts agree that one minute per year of age is the most effective length of time, but this amount will never exceed five minutes, even if the child is more than five years old. When his "time out" is up, I talk to the child (by now he has calmed down) and try to explain why that behavior was inappropriate. I might ask, "What might happen if we continue to throw toys?" The appropriate answers usually come out: something might get broken, the toy might break, someone might get hit by the toy. If a child still has not calmed down or is really belligerent at this point I try to separate him from the other children with a quiet activity (book, puzzle, etc.). I skip the "reminder" and go straight to "time out" if the offense involves hitting or otherwise physically abusing another child.

Children are never punished for lapses in toilet training or for accidents (spilled milk, for example). In the case of the latter, I will have the child help me clean up, if possible, not for punishment, but to help teach responsibility.
Punishment that is humiliating or frightening to a child, such as hitting, spanking, shaking, verbal or sexual abuse, withholding or forcing food or punishment for lapses in toilet training and other forms of physical punishment are prohibited. These forms of punishment will never be used, even at the request of the parent."
Meals and Snacks
I serve breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack each day as part of my program. Breakfast is a bread product, fruit, and milk. Lunch consists of a meat, bread product, vegetable, fruit, and milk. Each snack includes food or drink from two of the above mentioned groups. Sweets may be included occasionally.
If your child does not finish eating at home before he/she comes in the morning, remember we eat breakfast no later than 9:00 a.m.

If your child has an allergy to a specific food, please let me know and I will try to make an appropriate substitution. If a child has so many allergies that he can not eat from the menu, I may require the parents to provide his lunch and/or snacks.
I never force a child to finish what is on his plate, but I do encourage each child to try one or two bites of everything. Sometimes they are surprised by what they like! Occasionally I have had problems with children who only wanted to eat chips or fruit, etc. When this occurs on a regular basis I may give that child just the main dish and vegetable on his plate to start, adding the other elements when a few bites of the main dish and vegetable have been tried.
If you wish to provide snacks at your child's birthday or another time, that's great! If you let me know a day ahead of time, it helps. If you ever need some ideas of nutritional snacks (to bring here or to have at home), let me know. I have several books that are full of good ideas!
Outdoor Play
Please dress your child appropriately for the current weather, and in play clothes (with shoes that adequately protect the feet and are not slick-soled -- tennis shoes are a good choice). When the weather cooperates we will spend time outdoors ranging from 30 minutes when it is fairly cool to more time spent outside as the weather warms up. According to state law children are supposed to go out a little each day except for really inclement weather.
Indoor Play
Indoor Play constitutes the majority of our play time. I provide a variety of age-appropriate toys for your child to play with. If your child wishes to bring a toy to play with for the day, please make sure it has no little parts that could come off and cause a child to choke. All toys should be safe for children under three years of age. The toys I keep indoors are rotated from time to time to prevent boredom, to supplement a unit of study, etc.

Listing's statistics

Last listing update: 2008-10-28 12:15:01
78% 40%
Daycare in Indianapolis

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