My name is Carolyn and I provide fantastic care for your children!! I serve healthy meals which include breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks. wipes are provide for infants and those not yet potty trained. For those potty training, I provide assistance as well. I provide as much as I can for you and your child.
We work on: abc's, 123's, colors, shapes, art's & crafts, science & discovery, sharing & taking turns, table manners, sm & lg motor skills and much more!!
We have a large bright playroom with toys for every age and every developmental area, as well as a large fenced grassed backyard. There is swingset, sandboxes, ride ons, rakes & shovels and more.
I have 1 spot for under 2 years old and 3 spots for 2-5 year olds. I also take school age children on snow days or no school days/breaks.
Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful day!!