My in-home daycare provides children with a safe and secure environment while also allowing them to interact with other children. The benefits of in-home childcare are numerous - they get personalized attention everyday, the chance to socialize with other children of a variety of ages, the feeling of security from being cared for by one person each day and the ability to express themselves while working on their growth and development.
I started doing in-home daycare when I chose to leave the outside work world in order to stay at home with my daughter. This decision has been a great one as it gives my daughter (soon to be 2 yrs) a chance to still interact with children but it also lets me be a part of the lives of other families. I feel that the relationship between the parents and the daycare provider are very important - I feel that it's my job to not only provide the best one-on-one care for the child but also to help parents feel more comfortable about how their child is cared for during the day.
I have 1 position currently available in my Oswego-area daycare. There is no requirement for age so I can provide care for children 6wks-school age. Transportation is available for those that attend the Oswego schools. There is a daily rate for each child, which varies from $30-40 depending on age.
Please note that I am certified in CPR, First Aid, AED and Emergency Environment. I keep a first aid kit in many places throughout the house, though have never needed to use it. I have a fenced in backyard (which will get a playground in the spring) and also live around the corner from the Oswego Civic Center (which also has 2 playgrounds).
I have a number of references for you to view as well as a current background check. If you would like to ask any questions or set up a time to meet, please contact me. I'd be happy to hear from you!
Admission conditions
Must not be allergic to dogs. I have 2 small dogs, however they remain penned up throughout the day when children are here.