A caring nurturing family environment for children 1 -12 years old i can take younger if needed I will also take you teenagers if you do not feel they are trusted to be left alone i have teenagers and i understand. CPR and First Aide certified, Finger print card and Food handlers card as well. I have worked in child care for about seventeen years and have deiced that parents need to have a cheaper place to take their children to so i am opening up my own center. At my center i will offer crafts, music, filed trips, story time, playtime, motor skills, readiness for kindergarten.
Full and half-day programs , drop in care available, and will take in sick children if need as well nutritious meals provided.
Hours 6am-630am if other hours need we can work something out.
Admission conditions
The reason i am charging $80dollars is it covers the cost of field trips that way when we have them you will not have to pay extra. Also i do parents night out every Friday night form 630 to 1200 at night for a cost of 10 for the one child and 20 for two children.