Are you looking for something more than just a day care?
*Somewhere your children will look forward to coming each day?
*Where they will enjoy nutritious and fun meals?
*Where they will be taken to see and experience places and adventures of all kinds?
*Where they will learn and grow in a safe, loving and nurturing environment?
*Where they will be valued and treated as individuals?
*Where you will feel welcome each day?
*Where you can leave the children and have an evening out occasionally knowing that they are having fun and being well cared for?
........................Then look no further.........................
Hi, I'm Donna!
I strive to offer your child/ren every possible opportunity to explore and experience literacy, numeracy, science, art, dramatic play, multi-culturalism, music, language and physical development.
Our curriculum takes a play-based as well as more formal teaching methods approach, which allows early learners to learn in the way which suits their style best.
We take the children on excursions whenever an opportunity for fun and learning presents itself, and are constantly looking for interesting and fun activities.
Please visit our website for more information or give us a call today to set up an interview! We are located near Pleasant Grove Blvd/Washington Blvd. 916-872-4298
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