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Listing 2 reviews

Autumn's Angels

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Glen Burnie, 21060
Maryland, USA
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(2 reviews posted)

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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+0 Childcare provider: Autumn

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"I'm not sure who the previous reviewer was, but I COMPLETELY agree with what she said. Autumn is rude, dramatic, and far too personal. She was a friend of my fiancé's from high school, so we chose her to watch my son when I started back to work.

From the beginning, she was very combative and condescending, taking on an "I know everything, so shut up" attitude when it came to my wishes for my son. She was ASTONISHINGLY lazy. My son began to develop plagiocephaly, and after meeting with doctors and specialists, I asked her to stop propping up his bottle and letting him sleep for 5+ hours at a time. She continued to do so despite our wishes.

When we decided to take my son out of her care to save on money, she lost it. She sent highly inappropriate, invasive, and personal e-mails and texts to my fiancé about our relationship, banned myself and my mother (who paid half of the monthly bill) from coming to retrieve my son's things, called me a child, and went on to berate me and my family.

I would NEVER recommend her to ANYONE. She is lazy, rude, continually complains about her ongoing health problems, and has a very hard time letting go of the kids and becomes hostile when you try to remove your child from her care. As the previous reviewer said, I wish I had never brought my son to her. Though the previous review was old, she doesn't seemed to have changed much. It's been an awful, exhausting experience."
Brittany (68.49.120....), Jun 6th 2014
+0 Childcare provider: Autumn

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"Autumn is not reasonable and will try to manipulate you and even if you are 5 minutes late and call and she doesn't say anything about late charges at that time, she will bring it up once your contract is up or when you try to end your contract. She has a hard time letting children go. She also tried to get me to falsify documents so she could keep watching my daughter once school started even though I explained to her that once school started, my daughter would not be going there anymore. I would not recommend Autumn to anyone. She is also currently going through a divorce with her husband and she has many health problems. I wish I had never brought my daughter there."
Anonymous (64.238.49....), Oct 13th 2008
Daycare in Glen Burnie

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