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Listing 1 review

Jameela's DayCare and Preschool

Family / home daycare

Not available,
El Paso, 79924
Texas, USA
Email: not available
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+0 Childcare provider: Silvia

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"I enrolled my son into her daycare (age 4) for about 6 months (March to September) because she said she will teach him to speak German. She would speak German to him when I was there but then when I picked my son up he would say she speaks English to him. I asked her why he has not learned German and she told me “Because he doesn’t listen.” I was very upset she said that! Of course he isn’t going to listen every second, he’s four! I have been teaching my son a little bit of German, phrases and words, and he has learned them. He has no issue learning the language. Silvia was just not speaking the language to him. When I would drop my son off at the daycare at 7am, Silvia would keep talking to me, complaining about her other parents and guidelines she has to follow or classes she has to take for her daycare. I was always late to work. I didn’t want to be rude and just leave. My son was in her care and I didn’t want her to treat him different or wrong. There was one time that I went to pick my son up and there was another lady there. I was shocked. I asked where Silvia was and she told me she had an appointment so she came to watch the kids. She never told me she had an appointment so I was extremely upset. I didn’t know if this lady was licensed, had any training or what the case was. When I decided to take my son out of the daycare, she started crying and grabbed my son and hugged him and said, sobbing, “Please don’t take him from me.” She was almost in hysterics. The next day would be my sons last day at daycare. We walked in and I said Good Morning and my son said Guten Morgen. Silvia’s back was facing us and she turned around, bent down eye level to my child and said “Guten Morgen” then turned back around. She completely ignored me! This made me mad! I almost took my son and left! But I didn’t. I didn’t want my son to be confused. And I didn’t want to act out in front of him. I left. I didn’t see her again because my mom would pick my son up at 12pm. I want people to be informed that this care provider puts on an act of being so into what she does and says she will do one thing but doesn’t, and if you say or do something she doesn’t like she will get mad and ignore you. She is constantly putting ads on Craigslist for more business. She is desperate because she loses a lot of business all the time. I DO NOT recommend this daycare to anyone! She is an extremely rude person."
Anonymous (192.138.52....), Mar 7th 2014
Daycare in El Paso

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
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