Mon. |
06:00am - 06:00pm |
Tue. |
06:00am - 06:00pm |
Wed. |
06:00am - 06:00pm |
Thu. |
06:00am - 06:00pm |
Fri. |
06:00am - 06:00pm |
Sat. |
Closed |
Sun. |
Closed |
| |  | Backyard | |  | Playground | |  | Residential neighborhood | | |  | Central A/C | |  | Full kitchen | | |  | Educational program | |  | Experienced with children with special needs | | | Financial subsidies available | |  | Government accreditation (license) | |  | References available upon request | |  | Services available at night | |  | Services available in English | |  | Services available in Spanish | | | Services available on weekends | |  | Services available part-time | | | Temporary care available |
(Approximate location) |
Family / home daycare |
Block play |

Nature walk |

Miss elva @ science |
| | 
Miss corena @ science |
Nb. of openings |
Age group |
Starting |
Daily rate |
No available spaces / openings at this time ! |
Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool
Parent Handbook
"Where Discipline Means 'To Teach""
Conflicts with other children and testing the rules are natural parts of growing up. So, rather than trying to eliminate the mistakes that all children make, we encourage the children to learn from their mistakes.
Your child will be made aware of the logical consequences of his/her behavior and will be given choices for more positive alternate behavior.
This technique, when combined with praise for correct choices, has been extremely successful. The behavior, not the child, is what is to be modified. Your child will be allowed to make up his/her own mind and will emerge from the experience with a deepened sense of inner discipline and self control that will serve him/her well in the future.
By encouraging “what to do” a child learns positive expectations instead of negative consequences for inappropriate behavior. Character education is an integral part of the curriculum.
Children’s self concepts are enhanced by this technique and positive expectations are internalized. Allowing a child the opportunity for success and sharing the joy in that success provides for a respectful learning environment.
All teachers are trained in a positive discipline approach. Teachers are also taught to respect the children’s personal rights at all times. Staff members are notified that use of corporal punishment or violation of a child’s personal rights is grounds for immediate termination.
Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool believes in teaching healthy living. I encourage the children to make healthy decisions. Not only is this concept part of the curriculum but it is modeled daily by the provider and staff.
Certain State health forms are required for enrollment in any child care setting in California.
If your child shows any signs of illness (rash, irritability, listlessness, vomiting, temperature, etc.) he/she must be kept at home. This precaution not only protects other children, but keeps your child healthier.
Should your child show symptoms of an infectious illness during the school day, you will be contacted to pick up your child so that immediate medical attention can be given. Children must be free from symptoms for 24 hours before they can be readmitted to care. Parental assistance in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all our children is greatly appreciated.
Because fresh air is essential to a child’s well being, we plan to play out-of-doors every day, weather permitting. Please dress children accordingly. A child not able to play outside should remain home until well.
Medication can be administered at the school when presented in its original container along with the Medication Release stating that Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool is permitted to administer the prescribed medication. The parent is required to use the daily medication log sheet that includes start and stop dates along with any special instructions for over-the-counter medications, i.e., cold medications, Tylenol, sunscreens, etc., as well. All medications must be labeled with the child’s first and last name. Children under the age of 2 need a physician’s signature on all medications administered. In the event of a medical or dental emergency the authorized representative(s) will be contacted immediately. These names will be taken from the emergency card and should be kept up-to-date with current phone numbers.
Our school serves Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, and an Afternoon Snack. These times are approximate and may vary.
Breakfast: 7:00 am to 8:00 am
Morning Snack: 10:00 am
Lunch: 12:30 pm -1:00 pm
Afternoon Snack: 3:30 pm
Even though small children eat less, toddlers & preschoolers need a high-quality diet. They require the same foods that make up a healthy adult diet- only smaller amounts. Milk & milk products, meat or meat alternatives (such as eggs, dried peas or beans, peanut butter, or soy based proteins), vegetables and fruits, and breads & cereals should be included.
Fats and salt are needed but should be kept to a minimum because of their early link to heart disease in adulthood (Winkleby et al., 1999). Foods high in sugar should also be avoided. In addition to causing tooth decay, they lessen young children’s appetite for healthy foods and increase their risk of overweight and obesity.
We strongly discourage candy, chips, soda-pop, gum, etc. Please do not send these types of items with your child.
There will be the opportunity for such indulgences at monthly holiday/birthday parties.
Our enrollment in a subsidized food program, helps to ensure proper diet thru regular education seminars, drop-in checks at meal times, and monthly submission of menus for provider reimbursement of meal costs.
Please send your child dressed for physical activity as well as painting and other crafts. Clothing should be simple and comfortable. Self-help apparel is a boost to a child’s independence. Please be sure that jackets, sweaters and hats are plainly labeled with the child’s name. Please make sure that a complete change of clothing is kept at school at all times for those unexpected incidences. For early learners in the potty training process, please bring extra clothes.
Field trips and summer programs require parents to be aware of weather conditions and should plan accordingly. Caps, tennis shoes, bathing suits and sun block are standard with our local heat conditions. For safety, we encourage closed toe shoes, such as tennis shoes with non-skid soles.
Winter Necessities: Summer Necessities:
Coat Light jacket
Close-toed shoes Shorts
Extra socks Light shirts/tank tops
Long pants Sunscreen/hat
Hat/scarf/mittens as needed Swim Suits/Shoes
It is very important that clothing be kept up to date for the changing seasons, and your growing child. If in the event of an “accident” the child’s clothing is inappropriate for the current weather conditions, or does not fit properly, provider will notify the parent, and clothe the child with “loaner” items if available.
Children participate in a variety of activities on a daily basis, including sand/water play, painting, play dough/clay, coloring, cutting, pasting etc., very nice/new clothing is not recommended. Save your “nice stuff” for home, happy children that are active, will get dirty. Provider will not be responsible for lost/damaged clothing.
Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool has a “no shoes indoors” policy. Shoes are to be removed upon entry to the home. Clean and comfortable socks/slippers without holes are required.
Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool places tremendous emphasis on parent communication. We know that every child’s care and success is a partnership between home and school.
We are proactive in the approach to ensure that parents are informed of events.
A parent will find lesson plans posted, memos, newsletters, and “up coming events”. We will keep you informed, and encourage your involvement.
We are currently working on a website, complete with monthly calendars, menus, lesson plans, and video camera inside the classroom so that you may “drop in” and see your child thru a secured web uplink. (password required)
This powerful but friendly website will keep you totally informed in and out of the classroom.
Our curriculum is displayed on the parent board, and every child’s work is displayed with pride. Parent/Provider conferences are held throughout the year. I make it a point to take the time to “brief” the parent upon pick-up of the child’s daily activities, special moments, or activities.
We encourage parental feedback because we know that by listening, we are always moving toward the betterment of a child’s daily life. Cherry Wood Child Care & Preschool urges parents to participate in open communication. |
Admission conditions |
We are a public school and do not have admission conditions. |