Open 4:30a to 10:30p Monday to Friday Saturday 4:30abtob5:00 pm
I work with children to get them ady for Kindergarton
One on One time with School Kids and their homework
Weekly Field Trips
All meals and Snacks provided (Food Program)
Open all holidays except Jan 1st-Jan 4th
Arts and Crafts Daily
Smoke-free Enviroment
Safe fenced area with plenty of toys
Only 3 short specific tv times
Awards for children for great behavior
Fun Friday Activities
50% off for Parents Signing up 1st week
25% off for parents referel of other parents who sign
Daily reports on childrens food and behavior
Potty Training Here
Individual & Group Story-time
Individual Spot in Art Room
Safe and Caring provider all of the time!
Call for your secure spot today!