My name is Alicia. I provide a Fun, loving and Curriculum based Child care in Tempe. I am a Stay home mom of a 2 year old, before this I was a Pre-School Teacher and in Management for 10 years at a licensed Daycare. I provide a loving, nurturing and educational environment for ages 2-5 and School age children during the summer/Holiday breaks. I do run a curriculum that is based on each child's age that includes circle time, Art, math, Science, Sensory, literacy Music and Outside play. I have over 120 hrs in Early Child Development and Education training, I am C.P.R./1st aid certified and have a D.P.S. Fingerprint clearance card. I do provide all meals and snacks .
Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
We rely on providers to keep their listing and current openings up-to-date. To prevent any omission, openings expire after 45 days.