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Listing 1 review

Lil's Tiny Tots Family Daycare

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Cambridge, 02140
Massachusetts, USA
Lilly Simpson
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+1 Childcare provider: Lilly Simpson

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"Lilly provided daycare services for my 2 year old son for approximately a 1.5 years. During that time she provided fair care for him. She did not neglect him but did not provide stimulating care. She was always open to babysitting and was flexible on drop off and pick up times.
The issues we had really centered on dealing with Lilly. Lilly does not embrace alternate diets, breast milk and organic diet for example, and would often complain about how they were difficult for her (Note- my son did not require any alternate diet). She would frequently complain and gossip about other parents and children. It was also difficult to talk to Lilly. I would have to ask a question repeatedly because she would often get distracted and talk about other things, mostly the issues other kids were having. There were also multiple occasions where she would give less than adequate notice for time off. If there was ever an issue she would get defensive and bring up topics that did not directly relate to the issue at hand. Lastly, when we chose to leave she refused to return the deposit. This culminated in a phone conversation where she was irate and hung up abruptly. Overall, Lilly's care was adequate but dealing with Lilly was often difficult."
Anonymous (156.70.222....), Mar 26th 2014
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