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Listing 1 review

Jiggle Sprouts Inc.

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Glendale, 11385
New York, USA
Susan Coronel
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+4 Childcare provider: Susan Coronel

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"JiggleSprouts is a Home Group Family Daycare located in on the Glendale Ridgewood border, just minutes away from Fresh Pond Road.

My daughter attends this "pre-school" (targeted for ages 2-4) and simply loves going there. This place is as dream for parents as well.

Every wonder what your kid is doing during the day? Not anymore. Not only do the parents get provided with a monthly calendar of their children's curriculum, but it is followed up with homework each night.

Homework? Not to worry. it's usually something simple like coloring in a shape or letter of the week. Just something to reinforce the lesson of the day.

Supplementing the lessons my child brings home all sorts of arts and crafts; polar bears made of construction paper and cotton balls, finger paintings, a paper Chinese lantern (celebrating Chinese New Year etc.)

So not only is my child having fun, she is receiving a rich experience and learning about various cultures and American holidays.

I also like the fact that my child goes outside almost every day. I believe it is important for children to get fresh air every day, and I have had to hold my tongue in the past, at the excuses of childcare providers on why my daughter wasn't getting it.

Unless there is a blizzard, or really bad rain, or it is in the teens, I see little reason why children can't go out for just a little while, providing they are healthy and dressed appropriately. That is no longer an issue for me at JiggleSprouts. The children go outside, either in the backyard, a walk around the block, or a walk to the playground just a few blocks away, almost every day.

Additionally, the parents receive a weekly menu of breakfast, snacks and lunch. It's good to know not only your child is eating healthy food, but WHAT they are eating on a daily basis. This helps meal planning at home and put a mother's mind at ease as far as nutrition.

Lastly, parents receive a daily report, in writing. Nothng is more frustrating than not knowing whether your kid took a nap, whether they ate lunch, if they went #2s etc. The daily report includes all those things and you no longer have to try to extract that information during the hectic pickup routine.

I'm thoroughly pleased with this preschool. It is by far the best thing offered in walking distance from Fresh Pond Road. No other facility runs a close second. No other preschool environment in the area offers such detailed information for the parents, such a rich and warm homey but intellectually stimulating environment for the children, and lastly, such a good teacher/child ratio.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, my daughter loves this place. She is always happy to go there, and is always happy when I pick her up. The only "downside" if you can call it that, is my daughter is so tired at the end of the day, that she falls asleep before her bath or before dinner. But to me, that is a good thing. A toddler is supposed to tired at the end of a fullfilling, rich day.

Anyione who is looking for a full-time curriculum for their kid, should look no further than JiggleSprouts."
Robin B (68.173.207....), Jun 7th 2008
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