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Listing 1 review

Learning Tree Day Care

Family / home daycare

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Framingham, 01701
Massachusetts, USA
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+0 Childcare provider: Ekaterina

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"My son only used this daycare for 2 days, then he got kicked out. Reason: he was "disturbing other kids". This daycare appears to be a very nice and clean place; an adorable home-style daycare that has just opened recently and therefore everything is nice, pretty and new. The way the owner is keeping this place so calm and peaceful though, is by only taking in children that are "problem-free". And by that I mean if they have been to other daycares already and are used to being away from home.
My boy was only 15 months when he started attending the daycare. The ad for it states that the daycare was only for kids that are 2yo and older, but I talked to the owner and she agreed to take him in. He has never been at a daycare, so he was obviously going to take some time to adjust to being in a different place, with strangers. The daycare owner assured me that they all do cry at first and that we only need to be patient and that he was going to be fine. He cried for 2 days, and sometime in the middle of day 2 the owner called me and told me that they will not be able to accommodate my child in this daycare anymore, that he keeps crying (mind you it was his 2nd day there!) and no one can calm him down or distract him, and that "other kids can't sleep and have headaches".
I hate to be the negative review (especially given that I am the 1st review), I just feel like other parents should know. I wanted to spare them their kids stress and tears for nothing (and not sleeping through the night for a whole week). Like I said, this place is probably a very nice place for an older child, who has been to other daycares before and is used to being in a daycare (I would have probably be writing a whole different review if that was the case). Maybe not, I will never know now. But it just tells me something about the professional qualities of this child care provider, if she picks and chooses which kids she wants to work with and lets other people do the hard job of listening to kids cries while they are getting used to being in a daycare.
She did give me my money back, yet charging me for the 2 days of stress he has received in the daycare. She gave it back to me though, when I called to demand it. So no problem on this end."
Anonymous (128.222.37....), Jan 31st 2012
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