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Children of America

Daycare center / preschool

Not available,
Trappe, 19426
Pennsylvania, USA
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+0 Childcare provider: Lynne

I obtained services from this daycare center / preschool and I find that:

"Stay away from COA in Trappe. A lot of weird political bs going on there. Teachers telling me that the assnt director and director will sit there and talk bad about parents. Never seen a place where teachers come and go. Tells me they don’t know how to treat their teachers so imagine how they are treating your kids. My son is in there now and I am not happy. They are not flexible and their communication is awful. I put in a vacation request over xmas and like everyone else does not memorize the handbook but that you rely on the director to communicate with you on if your vacation is approved or not. Well weeks prior to vacation I put in a request and was never told by ANYONE that my vacation wasn’t approved. I handed the form to the assnt director and spoke with the director a week prior to the vacation and I was never told it wasn’t approved. I didn’t think anything of it I had taken on week with my son in Aug but you only get one week.. I thought you get three weeks but instead of calling me or even letting me know they didn’t tell me. I showed up one day after vacation to drop him off and had a 600.00 bill. CRAZY isn’t it? Worst part is when talking to the corporate people they were not willing to help about the vacation at all. They advertise that they provide meals but its all junk. Caned food.. veggies. Loaded in salt and crap. THEY will rip you off any chance you can get. Most of the kids my son started childcare with are no longer there. Most have left and moved to other childcare centers. I will be doing the same thing. Avoid this situation and stay away from here!!!!"
Anonymous (65.126.12....), Jan 15th 2013
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